Sunday, January 4, 2009

V2K and Psychotronic Victim Relief

1. Your family is on the same weapon without the torture. They are not going to respond with love when they are hearing subliminal messaging and being stimulated not to care.
2. These government MP's are ritual in their language, colors, and perversions. They are ritual in their protection methods.
3. Wear a hat with a feather. Have a feather above your head in your home and car.
4. Stomp your right foot three times.
5. State, " somebody's going to move on you."
6. State, " you want fire, theres' all kinds of fire here."
7. Do not call yourself a targeted individual. The governments call you it, thingies, pathetic, cars, dogs, CD's. You are a vicitim. Not a thing.
8. Explain your position to love ones through other vicitms testimonies from reputable sources- Washinton Post Mind Games article, Internet, Videos monarch case on you tube.
9. Do not include far out testimony in your exposure of the governments crimes. UFO's ,psychic, esp, etc. This is one way they cover their crimes.
10. The agencies of the government are all involved. You do not need to describe multiple agencies. The U.S. government and names of the criminals is fine.
11. Describe their crimes and who is responsible as a lawyer would.
12. Wear solid color shirts. Glasses that are reflective.
This is the criminal world that United States government has created. The U.S. government does not have the right to torture you, manipulate your family and law enforcement to continue their crimes, masturbate you, communicate with you, and destroy your life.

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